Friday, August 05, 2005

How to Be Awake at 1:30 a.m. or Stupid Dog!

I'm dogsitting for two dogs, my roommate's miniature white poodle Pamba, and a black lab mix called Abby, who belongs to the family I used to live with. Abby really is like my own dog, so I have no qualms about letting her sleep on my bed, although of course she tries to sleep smack dab in the middle so I'm curled around the edges, but Pamba does that, too and he's tiny.

I became rather restless around 1:30 a.m. last night because I woke up to hear Abby's claws clicking on the wood floors as she walked back and forth from my bed to the kitchen. I couldn't understand why she wasn't sleeping and she finally leapt back onto my bed, this time on the right side and stretched herself along the edge, pushing me towards the middle. That's when I discovered part of the bed was wet. My horrified mind smelled the moisture on my hand, but it didn't smell like urine, so I concluded she'd just got a drink of water and was, as usual, dribbling it all over. Then I realized that I was lying in a giant puddle and that my pajamas were soaked. YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As you can imagine, that woke me up very quickly. The stupid dog had peed in the bed. I'm lucky it was mostly water, I guess, but the first thing I did was march her down the three flights of back stairs and into the alley so she could relieve herself, all the while trying to hold my wet t-shirt and shorts out from me and muttering threats and telling her, "Next time, ASK and I will let you out! I won't like it, but I'll do it." Then I marched her back upstairs, scolded her and dragged in a dog bed for her to sleep on and stripped the bed. Luckily, the sheets and mattress pad caught most of the moisture, and I was able to blot up the little that was on the mattress. Did I mention the spot was right in the middle, just below the pillow? Stupid dog!

I then had to find mismatched top sheets for a twin bed in the linen closet so I could spread them over my double, now lamenting the fact that I'd put off getting another set of double sheets. I spread the top sheet and then realized it was my roommate's duvet comforter. More muttering, more stomping around until I finally found the right sheet. Then, I remembered that I was in pjs dripping with dog pee. Can I even describe to you how truly disgusting this is? I had to take a shower and, of course, put on new pajamas. Then I laid curled up along the side of the bed, away from the spot, ignoring the whining from Abby on the floor and thought dire thoughts about the ungratefulness of animals.

But now it's morning, the heat and humidity has finally broken, it's Friday, and the two dogs are sleeping peacefully at my feet (on my bed, I might add). I'm still a little mad, but mostly resigned. Can I help it that I'm a pushover for big eyes and a cute little puppy nose?


Jamie Lives in Tokyo said...

Eeww! Stephanie, eeww! That's why I love children and not dogs...I'm glad you love them because I wouldn't have been able to recover from such an incident...and I guess that's why you and not me, are the one who loves them as you were able to wake up the next morning and find them to be cute, still... :-)

Ang said...

Actually guys...not that much difference between dogs and kids sometimes!

So this is excellent know how God uses everything? How He works all things to the good? Well, there ya go...someday I'll regale you with interesting and entertaining "potty" experiences if you'd like but suffice it to say, you are going to make a really good mother some day Stephanie!