Sunday, August 21, 2005

Flashback: Rhi's wedding

Rohit and I just before we saw Tom Brokaw.

I don't have a digital camera, so just for fun I'm going to upload some photos from my life that make me giggle. I'll include the stories.

My friend Rhianna was married two years ago, and I was a bridesmaid. This is Rohit, the guy I "walked" with. The groom is from Sri Lanka and all of the groomsmen are international students. The funny thing about Rohit (who I said a total of about 20 words to and who I had to *drag* onto the dance floor--all the guys wanted to be in the bar) is that, back during our senior year of college, he was supposed to be a blind date for a Mississippi River cruise party. But the cruise was canceled because of flooding, so we never met. Rhi took one last time at setting us up at the wedding.

I couldn't believe it when the best man told me, in a very drunken slur, that Tom Brokaw was in the bar. (The reception was at the very posh St. Paul Hotel in Minnesota). I went in, and sure enough, there was Tom Brokaw, having a drink. I just gaped.

Then the best man told me, "I talked to Tom Brokaw."
"You did?" I gasped. "What did you say?"
"I said, 'Tom, you are a sexy b****!"
"You did not," I said. "What did Tom say back?"
The best man swayed slightly.
"He said, 'You are drunk.'"

Later that night, I (being completely sober) was sitting on a bench outside the hotel waiting for the valet to bring my car. With me was the emcee, a guy about my age I was going to drive home. As we waited, a busload of tourists fell off. They'd been at an Irish festival and were also very drunk. One of them lobbed towards me to crown me with a shamrock headdress, and saw my dress and the two bouquets.

"You were at a wedding?" she called. "Why do you have two bouquets?"
"I caught the bride's bouqet," I said.
"Uh, oh," she giggled. "There's going to be another wedding. Wait!!!"
And she proceeded to point from me to Jeff (the emcee, whom I'd just met) and giggle even more loudly.
"You and him, you and him! You're going to get married! Invite me to your wedding!!!"
As Jeff and I looked at each other horrified and tried to explain that we were *not* getting married, the woman shrieked, "Why did you steal my crown?" tore it off my head, and tottered back into the hotel.

1 comment:

the princess said...

I like this picture the best.