Tuesday, October 30, 2007

What a Week

"Oh the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all right out, just as they are -- chaff and grain together -- certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and with the breath of kindness blow the rest away." -George Eliot (pen name of Mary Ann Evans), novelist (1819-1880)

I pulled this quote from
  • 17 pens
  • , my pal Michael's blog. I love it.

    I don't even know where to begin writing about the last week. The last week has been intense but amazing and just, overall, good. Very, very good. I feel such contentment and peace about being here in England, doing this work. This morning my friend Laura came for tea and we sat in my peaceful, quiet, sunny bedroom chatting and just being. I sat there, perched on the bed, clutching my tea and watching the shifting sunlight, blown about by the apple tree branches outside the window, move in patterns over Laura's lovely face. And I felt again that encompassing peace. I didn't even really want to talk, and Laura understood (although, as you can imagine, I was soon talking plenty!)

    I do worry about next year and wonder where on earth I will be. I realized the other day that, during all of last year as I prayed and discerned about doing this Discipleship Year program here in Nottingham, I was more or less planning on returning to Chicago since I was in a serious relationship. Even before we were engaged, I just sort of assumed I'd be going back and picking up my life more or less where it left off. And now, of course, there is nothing compelling me to return. Oh, yes, there are marvelous friends and wonderful places and opportunities in Chicago, and I was very happy in my life there. But I do know that when I return, if I stay, it will all be different. Everyone will have changed, everyone will have moved on, in a sense. And I will have moved on, as well. Consider the experiences I've been having lately. It's impossible to NOT be transformed.

    Last Wednesday Julia and I went shopping for Soup Run. Twice a week a team from Trent Vineyard goes out into the city centre with sandwiches, crisps, chocolate and cold and hot drinks. We go to meet the homeless population, and they all know that we'll be out and they look for us, as well. It was my first time on Soup Run and I wasn't sure how it would all come together, but it really wasn't hard at all. Jules and I went to Sainsbury's and bought the stuff on the list: fruit, bread, meat and cheese, chocolate, crisps, squash (the drink, not the veggie), plastic bags, etc. We were famished and treated ourselves to McDonalds on the way back to church. We did arrive 5 minutes late (due to the long line at Sainsbury's, not our McDonalds stop) but received much merciless ribbing. We brought all of the food into the church kitchen, where small group leaders were waiting to assemble it all, but left our Mickey Ds out in the hall. Then Julia and I snuck into the hall and began quickly eating our hamburgers, hoping to escape notice. However, group leader (and youth pastor) James happened to stick his head into the hall. He saw us and his face fell.

    "You went to MacDonalds?" he asked (they all say it with a pronounced "Mac" here). "And you didn't get me any?"

    Then he stuck his head back into the kitchen.

    "Come here, everyone," he called. "Come see why the girls were late."

    I sensibly slipped behind a pillar but Julia squared her shoulders and planted her feet in defiance and began cramming her Big Mac into her mouth with a look of pure rebellion on her face.

    "MacDonalds?" Nathan exclaimed. "Julia, that's disgraceful!"

    "I'm not sorry," Jules said, glaring at him as she continued to stuff her burger into her mouth. Much merriment ensued.

    We made about 50 sandwiches and picked up the rucksacks filled with thermos bottles, hot drink makings, emergency supplies and things like socks and dog food. Then we headed out to the city centre. After splitting into two teams, we wandered around the city, looking for someone who might want a hot drink or some food.

    We finally settled on the steps of the downtown Marks & Spencer department store and set up a little drinks station there as the guys started coming. We chatted with them for a long time--I spent a very long time talking with one man who was telling me all of his conspiracy theories about JFK, Tony Blair and everything in between. We gave out sandwiches and the other food, as well as lots of tea, hot chocolate, coffee and even some soup (hence the name: Soup Run). Then we all went off to a pub where a friend's band was playing for a farewell event (or, as they say here, a "leaving do").

    As we walked towards the pub, I saw Steve, one of our group members, walking ahead looking rather dejected. I caught up to him and asked him what was wrong.

    "Well, I was just thinking about what we're going to do now, versus what those guys are going back to," he said. And he was right. We'd finished our job and were off to enjoy ourselves in warmth and comfort once more. And these men were going back to their difficult lives on the streets. Living rough, they call it here.

    The next morning I was down at The Arches, as usual, doing project working (meeting wih the clients and helping them get what they need), as usual. I recognized a few of the guys I'd met on Soup Run and said hello. One man came in for a shower so I helped him get some toiletries and a change of clothes together. He rifled without shame through the bin of donated, (gently) used underwear and socks, and went off for his shower, leaving quite a trail of scent behind him but pleased with a change of clothes. He was about my age.

    I also helped a young woman a few years younger who'd come in with her 12-day-old baby boy. "Sharon" had just received legal refugee status after having fled Eritrea and coming to England seeking political asylum. Her tiny new son looked like a precious doll, and he slept through the entire interview. Since Sharon had received status and been given a flat, we knew that all she had was a cooker, microwave and mattress on the floor, and I was allowed to be generous, especially as her fiance is expected to join her from Sudan in a few weeks. However, when we went back to the Furniture Arches, there was nothing there. We haven't had many donations lately and it had all been claimed.

    While we were looking, though, the church van pulled up. My friend Jen explained that a woman had just died and her daughter donated the entire contents of the house to the Arches. Sharon was right there standing with me and we were able to claim it all for her: double bed, matching wardrobe and chest of drawers, dining room table with four chairs, sofa, display cabinet, mirror, etc. Sharon just couldn't believe and neither could I, hardly. I wish the woman who so generously donated her mother's things had been there to see the immediate difference they had made in the life of a new young family just getting ready to start over in a foreign land.

    Friday I spent all day at church doing fun Discipleship Year team day stuff, as usual, but then that night I was on the Cabin rota. The Cabin is similar to the Soup Run except the team brings out a little camper-trailer (they call it a caravan), hook up a generator, and serve hot food from it in a parking lot.

    My fellow disciple Pete and I were just there to help, so we rode in the cab of the truck out to Sneinton Market, where the homeless and poor guys (and a few girls) were waiting. We helped set up tables and chairs in front, and then a couple dropped off the food: pots of hot chili, lots of baked potatoes, bags of cheese and bread. Another team came and served hot drinks from one window, as well as passing out sandwich packs, while Pete and I dished up the hot food. Some men were very pleasant and polite, some were ... not. "How come his is bigger than mine?", "Oi, I want more chili," "Don't put any cheese on mine," "Chili and potatoes again? What happened to the Caribbean chicken," were just a few of the comments. However, the teacher in me refused to be bullied and I made the guys wait their turn and didn't give them special food unless a) they asked nicely and b)there was enough. Later Pete told me he was impressed with how strict I was. But I kind of had to be. Many of them were drunk or stoned so it was pretty much like dealing with a bunch of toddlers!

    Of course, they weren't all like that. Some of the men were very pleasant and polite. My accent always gives away my nationality, of course, so I talked to several of them about America. After the food was gone two of the guys stood up by the window and talked with me. One of them has traveled quite a lot in the West, so we talked about that. The other was pretty out of it. He is just 20, he said, but he was missing most of his teeth. His black hair was incredibly greasy and obviously hadn't been washed in a long time. He didn't speak clearly at all and was very hard to understand. He started telling Cary (one of the other helpers) and me about how he is trying to get off meth and a few other drugs. His father started giving him drugs when he was just a boy. He spent most of his teen years in jail. As I watched him and listened to him, my heart just broke. "God had so many different plans for you," I thought. "He wanted you to grow up in a healthy family where you were loved and where you thrived. You could be a successful young man starting out in business right now, or a university student. Intead, you are here, broken and bruised and quite possibly beyond true redemption." I prayed a lot for him that night.

    I was surprised, though, that both young men began asking me about God and whether or not I was a Christian. I guess they know we're there from a church, so these questions come up even though I don't introduce them. The young guy told us about how he attended some Bible studies in jail and how he liked reading the Bible now, but that it was hard on the streets to find a warm place with lights where he wouldn't be kicked out.

    After awhile we shut the Cabin up and drove back to church, but the day still wasn't over. There was a women's ministry event that night, attended by about 300 ladies, and I had to help break down the tables and chairs. I rode my bike home very wearily and fell into bed around 11 p.m.

    The next morning was Saturday and I got up early enough to watch an episode of "Friends" while eating my cereal, but then I was on the train into town to meet the others for our biweekly Ministry on the Streets event. (For stories from that event, go
  • here
  • ). Afterwards I spent two hours at a cafe working on editing a paper for a Northwestern grad student (something I get paid handsomely to do, so I didn't mind) and then my friend Ruthie met up with me. We went to the bus station to inquire about our upcoming trip to Chatsworth House on Nov. 3, then caught the train back to my place. Soon a few other friends had arrived and a lively game of "Ticket to Ride" was in progress, followed by a girlie night spent watching "Dirty Dancing."

    Sunday morning I was coordinating the 9-11s room at church. We had 35 kids and started with only 3 teachers, not a good plan when we're all crammed into a tiny room, but a few others got cajoled into helping. It was a hectic but very fun morning and the lesson plan and curriculum I prepared seemed to go over really well, even the teaching bit where I gave the kids a mini-sermon. They also seemed very enthralled and had a good time.

    I was back at home to polish off that paper for the NU student and send it off, then enjoyed a lovely roast pork dinner with the family before I had to get on my bike and go BACK to church, this time for choir rehearsal. They've put together a special choir for the Christmas carol service on Dec. 9, which is always a really big deal. That was very fun and the choir is quite good, but I couldn't stay for the entire rehearsal because I had to get down to the auditorium to do set-up for the evening service (it's true. When you are on Discipleship Year they work you very hard!). By this point I was insanely exhausted and nearly falling over, but I made it through the service and clean-up somehow and staggered home on my bike at about 10:30 p.m.

    Yesterday was much more relaxed (I slept in until 9 a.m.!!!) but I spent much of it preparing to teach a course on prayer that evening. I'm helping to lead the MORE course, which our pastor Ade pioneered to help new Christians learn about the Christian life and healthy spiritual habits. I was excited to teach on prayer (I distributed my "Meeting with God" booklet--download the PDF from the link list at left) and had a fun PowerPoint presentation to help the 30-or-so adults engage as I told lots of stories and outlined some practical ideas for prayer. I was very nervous before beginning but actually had a GREAT time standing up there (in the same spot and same room where I'd taught the kids the day before, actually) getting to wax eloquently about intimacy with Jesus, one of my very favorite subjects. We followed it up with small group discussion and afterwards several people gave me excellent feedback. I think it was a very helpful session and really helped to demystify and "deguilt" the whole concept of prayer.

    So that was my week. Today is quiet and I have to do some journalism work, but tomorrow it all starts again, first when I have coffee with my mentor, then with an evening core group meeting for the small group (the leaders asked me to join it), followed by the actual small group. Then on Thursday I'm helping my friend Hannah present two school assemblies about the poor and what we do at the Arches and will be getting involved with preparing and presenting those. It's a never-ending round but I am loving it. I'm just loving it. Although, if I didn't have these quiet Monday-Wednesday mornings, I'd surely be tearing my hair out by now.

    Tuesday, October 23, 2007

    Ticket to Ride and Photo Bonanza

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    I was right. The game came from Mom & Dad. So I opened my birthday present two weeks early. Ooops. But I am very excited about it!

  • Check out my pretty fall photos!
  • Monday, October 22, 2007


    Timmy the cat teaches Stephanie how to glower menacingly.
    Jen Rankine expresses outrage at a controversial call during the England/South Africa Rugby World Cup game.
    Jen prays for God's grace to smile down upon the England team.
    Jen is in the depths of despair over the England's sad fate (the prayer was too little, too late, apparently).

    As I've been uploading photos, updating my blog and thinking about getting to work this morning, I received a pleasant and mysterious surprise. The doorbell just rang and I ran down, expecting the plumber (as our boiler is broken AGAIN!). But it wasn't, it was a man with a massive box. I mean, massive, like about half my size. I figured it was for someone else in the house but when I opened the door he said, "Are you Stephanie?" and I nodded in pleased shock as I signed and brought the box inside. It was huge but fairly light and was sent from within the UK, so that ruled out overseas care packagages. I ripped it open and, under layers of brown paper, found a white, large box with the words "Hamleys: The Finest Toys in the World" emblazoned on it in red. So I opened that box and was confronted with the sight of loads of gold and red ribbon and stars. At this point I thought, "Hmm...maybe this is an early birthday present. But who in England would mail me such a giant present?" As there was no card I decided I couldn't take the suspense (especially as my Nov. 5 birthday is still two weeks away) and just went ahead and dug through the ribbon and confetti. Finally, at the bottom, I found the board game "Ticket to Ride." No card, but I'm pretty sure it's from my family, perhaps my parents and grandparents, since this is one of their favorite games. It's very fun and has very elegant pieces so I'm very excited to play it. I wonder how they shipped it from a UK company? In 49 minutes it will be 6 a.m. in Mesa and I will be able to call Mom & Dad and find out!!!

    I love getting mail. (hint, hint) Let me know if you want my address :)
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    Mists of October

    The other morning there was a very thick mist as I was cycling to church for our Discipleship Year Team Day. I actually had to stop and put my lights on my bike because I was having trouble seeing more than five feet in front of me (I guess qualifying it as a fog, rather than a mist) but the photos turned out lovely! Here are shots from the British Waterways canal I cycle alongside. The shot of me with the tree coming out of my head was a self-portrait I took while exploring the University of Nottingham campus on a sunny day a week ago.

    Friday was a long and busy day with team time, theology sessions, cleaning the church, lunch and then setting up and attending a Potential Leaders seminar that night. The next morning the Discipleship Year team was back at church bright and early to serve refreshments for Day 2 of the leaders seminar and we were busy until 4 p.m. I then headed off with my friends Robin and Jida for a walk back into the city centre, where Jida and I abandoned Robin (her husband) to go shopping and do girly things like try on hats and makeup. We grabbed a quick cup of tea and then were back at Jida & Robin's flat for a fast dinner. Since Jida is Israeli-Arab and Robin is Austrian-English, they had yummy Middle Eastern bread, cheese and olives and German sausage. I hadn't realized how my palate was craving some international flavors after the generally bland English food (sorry, new friends). I just couldn't stop eating that sausage and herb feta.

    Then we were back to church yet again that night for the Rugby World Cup. For you ignorant Americans (like me), the Rugby World Cup only comes once every four years and England barely made the finals this year after two months of semi-finals. They were playing against South Africa and trying to retain their title from 2003. Well, as you can imagine, rugby fever had swept the UK, and Trent Vineyard celebrated by showing the game on their big screen and opening the bar that's in the corner of the sanctuary/auditorium (the bar is for all big evening events and after every Sunday night service). I desperately wanted to be part of the action but don't understand rugby very well, so was thrilled when they asked me to be on the bar team. It was my second time serving on the bar (though I'm now on a monthly rota) and I had a blast. However, there were a couple of hundred people there, and the queue (yes, the English actually queued up for the bar, until James--the bar supervisor and one of the youth pastors--scolded them all and told them to 'crowd round the counter like normal people') stretched halfway across the auditorium. Thanks to all of the people, there was an insane rush on the bar and I poured dozens of pints, opened a lot of bottles (got inadvertently sprayed with warm ale several times, too) and also served a lot of Coke and juice.

    Unfortunately, England lost the game by quite a lot (the best part was when a South African player got accidentally pushed over the the barrier and landed on top of a TV cameraman) so there was an extremely subdued atmosphere when the Brits left after the game. However, there were many, many glasses to run through the dishwasher, so the rest of the team and I had our work cut out for us for awhile. It was fun!

    The discerning among you may notice that there is no Carlsberg Export actually coming out of this tap into the half-pint glass. That's because I wanted a photo of me actually pouring a pint--in a church--but was too busy to hand the camera to someone until after the event. Jules (my English 'sister') was obliging enough to set this one up with me after the fact.
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    Wednesday, October 17, 2007

    Ministry on the Streets

    If you're wondering what happens when a team of 15 people go out to the crowded city centre on a Saturday morning to pass out chocolate bars with stickers that say, "A token of God's love," then check out this new blog I'm helping with.

  • Stories on the Street

  • The team also sets up about four chairs in the city, next to a statue, and have signs that read, "Healing" and "Are you feeling ill? Would you like to feel better? We have seen God heal many hurts and would be happy to pray for you if you'd like. All it costs is a moment of your time."

    To be honest, I wasn't sure what kind of response we'd get with this enterprise. But I discovered that folks are very happy to get chocolate bars and some of them even want to know about the church. We honestly don't make a big deal out of telling them about church. We're not out to steal parishioners or throw Bibles at people or anything. It's truly just a way to tangibly show people that we love them, just like we say we do. We're also there to lend a listening ear and, if they desire, to pray with them.

    I'm looking forward to going out on a regular basis and gathering all sorts of stories!

    P.S. The above blog site is rated PC for Particularly Christian. (Cute, huh?) You all know that I'm also not interested in throwing Bibles at people, and while much of what I post on my blog here has to do with the church work I'm currently involved in, it's not written for a "Christian audience" (a term I rather dislike). However, the other blog is.

    Thursday, October 11, 2007

    Delighting the spirit

    I haven't been homesick yet, although I've started to have twinges for the lovely home I created with Sara and Trudy and then Sara and Erica. I miss small things like my gorgeous walnut dining room set (thanks Carol!) and my soft, white down comforter (thanks Mom & Dad!) and, when I made American-style chocolate chip cookies the other day, I missed my electric hand mixer BIG TIME.

    Yet I am happy, oh so happy, because I am where I am supposed to be. Yet I also know how to rejuvenate and relax when it all becomes overwhelming. Here, in no particular order, are some of the little delights that feed my soul and rest my spirit as I live in another country and go through major changes emotionally, physically and vocationally.

    Having Internet, a laptop, an iPod and Vonage phone service (allowing me to call America and receive American phone calls for only a low monthly fee) has made a BIG difference in my settling process, too.

    1. Scrapbooking, especially while listening to the soundtrack to the new Canadian stage musical
  • Anne & Gilbert
  • based on two of my beloved Anne books, "Anne of Avonlea" and "Anne of the Island," by L.M. Montgomery.

  • A Prairie Home Companion
  • and
  • The Writer's Almanac
  • , two radio programs featuring Garrison Keillor's familiar, soothing voice that evoke favorite things like poetry, music and Minnesota.

    3. Online radio station
  • Pandora
  • , that lets you build the perfect playlist and discover new artists by responding by your feedback as each new song comes on.

    4. Cycling along the canal path as the leaves change, exploring historic sites like the Nottingham Castle and discovering pastoral beauty in spots like the Nottingham University campus.

    5. Books from the Nottinghamshire public libraries. Just now I'm into
  • Tony Hillerman's Four Corners mystery series
  • and
  • James Herriott's lovely animal stories
  • . Reading James Herriot in the English Midlands, just one town south of Northern England, makes perfect geographic sense. Reading about northeastern Arizona, however, is quite a time traveling experience!

    6. Painting with watercolors, as Mom taught me at Howard Lake this summer.

    7. Playing Scrabulous on Facebook! And updating my blog.

    8. Worshipping and hanging out with my new friends. Kristen and Liz came over today for tea, conversation and prayer and we had a marvelous time.

    How do you unwind?

    Tuesday, October 09, 2007



    As I was taking photos of Pasture House last evening (the sun was setting through the clouds...hence the dreary light), Timmy the cat came bounding towards me. I'd just given him his dinner and he wanted to play. He did not want to sit still and have his photo taken, but I did my best.

    You'll find more photos here:
  • Beeston, London, Nottingham, Snooker and Sunday Roast

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    Monday, October 08, 2007



    I spent a very fun day in London last week, purely to sightsee. While I stayed again at my dear friend Nikhita's flat, she was busy all day so I took myself to Picadilly Cirucs, Trafalgar and Leicester Square and enjoyed the treasures of the National Gallery, St Martin-in-the-Fields church local book shops and cafes and also saw the musical Wicked, which is a little funny because it's been showing in Chicago for more than two years. But I got a great seat at a big discount when I wandered around the Picadilly Circus cheap ticket booths that morning, so I took it.

    Since I was on my own that day, I asked a nice couple to take a photo of me in front of this fountain in Trafalgar Square. At the last minute their little girl ran into the frame, so here I am with the cute little girl!

    Be sure to check out my latest online photo album in the previous post.
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    Go here for my latest photos!

  • London, Nottingham, Snooker and Sunday Roast