Sunday, August 21, 2005

The Bouquet Toss

Oh, no! PROOF!!!! Posted by Picasa

When I saw that Rhianna was going to toss a bouquet of real red roses (not some crappy fake flower thing) I decided I wanted them. Especially since I was already carrying champagne roses with pink rosebuds in them. I also decided that, as the only single girl in the bridal party, I might as well go for the bouquet.

When Rhi stood up to toss the bouquet, she lobbed it so hard, it sailed over the heads of all of the females waiting, across the room, and towards a table at the back. (I might add that Rhi met her husband, Noel, on a track team where they were both shot putters.) A woman stood up and caught it, shrieking, "I got it, I got it!" (Note: She was from India and didn't understand the rules.) Then a man stood up and yelled, "You can't have that! You're married and I'm your husband!" Before anyone could figure out what to do, the lady stood on a chair with her back to the crowd, as she'd seen Rhianna just do, and tossed the bouquet. She threw it so hard, it sailed back across the room and landed .... in the arms of the very surprised DJ.

"I guess it's my turn," he said, and hopped onto a chair and threw the thing before anyone else could react. I saw it coming towards me, I remembered the recent games of (tackle) football I'd been playing lately, and got under it. I caught the bouquet and shrieked and then Rhianna grabbed me in a huge bear hug and hauled me across the room as we laughed and laughed. "You got it!" she exclaimed. "Finally! I was aiming for you!"
"It was fate,"I said. "It just fell into my arms."
A woman at a table near us snorted.
"Yes, after you tackled two 8-year-olds to get it," she said.
"I did not," I said, honestly thinking I was telling the truth. "I didn't knock anyone over."

About two weeks later, Rhianna emailed me this photo. Oops. Sorry, flower girls!


Empty Voice said...


that is awesome. "Grown Woman Steamrolls Children for Butchered Boquet - news clip at 11!!!"

Thanks for pointing me at your blog.


Shanel said...

looks like someone is eager to be married! congratulations on catching the boquet even though you were aggressive. agression comes in great when you are playing basketball. we should play sometime. :)

Stephanie Fosnight Regester said...

No, I wasn't eager to be married. I just wanted the roses!!! (Anyway, Shanel, that was 2 years ago ... it's not like it worked, even if that is what I wanted :)

Stephanie Fosnight Regester said...

You and me playing basketball together. Heh heh. Now that's a funny image. The fact that I'm a near-midget wouldn't hamper me at all ... (though I am tough)