Sunday, September 11, 2005

For those who pray

I know not all of you are Christians, but if you are, please pray for the small women's group I lead, Transform.

Transform meets every other week and our purpose is to grow in intimacy with Jesus. So much of our pain and heartache as women could be eliminated if we really truly believed the truth about who we are: daughters of the King; the beloved bride of Christ; powerful and strong women who, because of our heritage and our union with the God of creation, really can make a difference in this fallen world.

Pray for me, for my assistant leaders Hillary and Sara, for my worship leader Catherine, and for the women in their 20s and 30s who will come. Pray that God draws those whom he has chosen, and pray that I will be able to hear the leading of the Holy Spirit and follow the Lord's agenda, not mine.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know why I'm never invited to these things, but I'll pray for you guys nonetheless.