Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Ministry on the Streets

If you're wondering what happens when a team of 15 people go out to the crowded city centre on a Saturday morning to pass out chocolate bars with stickers that say, "A token of God's love," then check out this new blog I'm helping with.

  • Stories on the Street

  • The team also sets up about four chairs in the city, next to a statue, and have signs that read, "Healing" and "Are you feeling ill? Would you like to feel better? We have seen God heal many hurts and would be happy to pray for you if you'd like. All it costs is a moment of your time."

    To be honest, I wasn't sure what kind of response we'd get with this enterprise. But I discovered that folks are very happy to get chocolate bars and some of them even want to know about the church. We honestly don't make a big deal out of telling them about church. We're not out to steal parishioners or throw Bibles at people or anything. It's truly just a way to tangibly show people that we love them, just like we say we do. We're also there to lend a listening ear and, if they desire, to pray with them.

    I'm looking forward to going out on a regular basis and gathering all sorts of stories!

    P.S. The above blog site is rated PC for Particularly Christian. (Cute, huh?) You all know that I'm also not interested in throwing Bibles at people, and while much of what I post on my blog here has to do with the church work I'm currently involved in, it's not written for a "Christian audience" (a term I rather dislike). However, the other blog is.

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