Sunday, October 30, 2005


The ideal Sunday in autumn:

1. Sleep in an extra hour thanks to daylight savings (a boon when babysitting 'till 2 a.m.)
2. Sing in choir at church and rock the house with worship
3. Visit with lotsa friends after the service and load up on hugs to get me through the week
4. Wend way through autumn streets and parks on bike. Stop at Mickey D's for a guilt-free lunch and bring it to a soccer field to watch 9-year-old babysitting charge strut her stuff.
5. Come home and read "Prince Caspian" on back porch, with small dog ensconced on lap to ward off autumn chill
6. Take a short nap
7. Get up, clean and organize
8. Invent yummy baked chicken/potato/broccoli dish and make homemade applesauce with hand-picked apples
9. Work on Salt
10. Walk through evening neighborhood to church for two hours of worship
11. Go to bed on time, not neglecting to polish off "Prince Caspian"

And that was my day--or will be. Better get busy on 9, 10 and 11.


the princess said...

how is the weather in Chicagoland these days?

Christy Merry said...

'ensconced' is the perfect word there really, I must say... ;)