Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Stat Counter

So Ellen ( told me about this addictive free tool called Stat Counter that lets you track unique visitors to your site. I am not writing this blog for public consumption, but as more of a personal Web site and place to gather my Web appearances. Also as a way to stay connected with far-flung friends and family. But I thought, sure, why not?

So I installed Stat Counter and then, feeling brave, decided to make it visible. I figured, even if no one visits, I'm woman enough to handle it.

Ellen told me checking visitors can be addictive, but I held out until 2 p.m. And then I pulled up my blog and .... 1. It read 00000001. I was visitor 1.

Am I depressed? No. Because I just checked it again, and I have 3! (I made it so it won't count my IP). That means 3 people visited my site, even if nobody posted. I hope you were friends.

Click on my Stat Counter (the yellow box at the bottom) if you want to get your own.

You know, I was recently looking at stats on and was pleasantly surprised to see we get about 5,000 unique visitors a month. And about one third of them return. It's slightly depressing because this spring we peaked at about 10,000 (for the Dating issue...coincidence???) but 5,000 is not bad, I say.


Stephanie Fosnight Regester said...

Dude! I got two more visitors since I posted that a minute ago. This *is* addictive. I will have to cut myself off.

Yummy....I think my homemade meatloaf is almost done. It smells guhud!

Stephanie Fosnight Regester said...

OK. Must publicly admit my addiction and prevent the "denial" stage. So I just read another blog then thought I'd check my stat counter just one more time before logging off. Still only 5 have visited. But you're all probably still on the site, reading through the riches of my Salt essays, right? Right?

I am pathetic.

Anonymous said...

it does not seem to show up in was at 5 when I looked in IE :)

Anonymous said...

Mittens visits your site regularly so that should count for at least one!

Stephanie Fosnight Regester said...

Firefox Boo! Internet Explorer yay!

(thanks, mittens).

the princess said...

Steph, I've had trouble finding a church here in Southern Cal. If you could think of it, please pray for me. I went to two seperate Vineyards, and I didn't feel comfortable with either. this next week I am planning to go to "the River" (but isn't that a cheesy name for a church?) a Vineyard in Tustin, which is closer to where I will be moving (Irvine, Dec. 1, i'm psyched)

thank you so much,


the princess said...

dude, I'll visit your site throughout the day to bring your stats up. ; )

Kathy B. said...

I want a stat counter of my own but I can't find your on your page to click on. Please Help!