Monday, April 03, 2006

Blogging for the Win!

Kathy ( yelled at me for not blogging anymore. Or, actually, she said, in mournful tones, "So, have you given up on the whole blogging thing?"

Here are the reasons why I haven't blogged lately:
1. two moves
2. psycho paranoid crystal-meth smoking roommate
3. new boyfriend
4. anaphylaxis and ER trip
5. allergy attacks, migraines and a seemingly unending series of viruses
6. discovery of new brother
7. break up with aforementioned boyfriend
8. established brother gets married in different state
9. craziness at work

But, here I am. Blogging. And it's all for you, Kathy!


Shanel said...

so glad you're back in the game...i wrote something on mine recently as well after a 4 month hiatus from writing. you are completely justified in you negligience of your blog. may this summer be ENTIRELY different then the previous six months. lots of time, energy and passion for writing.

Kathy B. said...

I feel soooo loved right now! You don't even know! Blogging for the win!

Christy Merry said...

keep it up dearling!

hugs - your recent life sounds like you might be in need of extras!


Stephanie Fosnight Regester said...

Whoa! I wrote all that and didn't bother to check back. And now I find that, despite my blog format problems (soon to be fixed, I hope) I actually do have friends that check it. More coming later, my dear ones!