Monday, October 23, 2006

for Bethany, my faithful lurker!

Bethany cornered me (well, said hello to me ;) in the ladies room at the Vineyard church conference the other day and wanted to know when I was going to post again. This, Bethany, is for you!

My life started to get somewhat interesting about six weeks ago when I started chatting with someone I'd not known well before. Then my life picked up speed about a month ago, when the aforementioned someone and I started hanging out together, first in groups and then just the two of us. About two weeks ago, my life got much, much crazier and pretty much all free time was cut out as the boy and I (sorry, interruption while I returned an email from the boy) started to do lots and lots and lots more together.

Here are some of the things that he and I have been doing together in the last month, some by ourselves and some with others:

playing tennis; hiking at Starved Rock Illinois State Park; climbing rocks, hiking and sitting on fallen trees at Devil's Lake Wisconsin State Park; eating lots of good food; drinking lots of good wine; cheering on Sus at the marathon; watching movies; going to restaurant openings; writing emails; visiting the historic Lincoln sites in downstate Springfield; reading books; listening to music; watching sports; taking fall walks; playing with dogs ... yeah, it's been rather a busy time. But a very welcome and quite wonderful busy time!

And that, my friends, is all I'm going to say for now. We shall see what we shall see ...


Anonymous said...

Ooo, I feel so honored!! Thanks for the special Bethany-post, Stephanie ;) I did not mean to corner you, but I am glad that I did. What a wonderful time you have had!! Jeremy and I went to Starved Rock a couple of weeks ago and it is without a doubt one of our favorite places to spend time. We're even thinking of going in the winter to see all the snow on the trees (and maybe to hang out by the fireplace in the mail hotel thingy). Yay for boys that are fun!! (This is where Jeremy would say, "You mean MEN, not boys.)

Stephanie Fosnight Regester said...

Hey, going in winter with the "boy" is a great idea! My "boy" (I mean man, of course ;) and I have already talked about cross country skiing and snowshoeing on the golf course. Yay for the outdoors!