Sunday, October 09, 2005

busy with Mom

The skyline (view from the window of the dorm I lived in back in grad school--with the help of a mighty zoom lens). Posted by Picasa

Since my last post, I have:

1. Completed many lengthy work projects, including an emotionally-draining article on domestic violence
2. Posted the latest version of Salt magazine (always an adventure)
3. Entertained my mother for one week, with jaunts to Springfield for the new Lincoln museum (5 stars!), the Italian Village for the VIP treatment, the Art Institute (twice), Milennium Park, a blues club, the Chicago Botanic Garden and many other fun touristy places!
4. Decided to move into a new apartment with a new roommate or two

It's been a very crazy couple of weeks, but my mom's visit was a wonderful respite. I miss her, of course. As always. But I'm excited to find a new place and set up a new home.

1 comment:

Jamie Lives in Tokyo said...

stephanie, I was wondering where you'd been and now I know! so glad to hear that your mom was able to visit and you did all the things one never gets around to without a visitor as catalyst...
hope your move goes well! and yes, people are that honest here, they really do return the umbrellas they borrow from the train, believe it or not.