Monday, August 29, 2005

We sure never did *this* at a wedding before! Posted by Picasa

Here are Melle and Stephe swinging at Jenne's wedding. But were we being rude? Oh, no. The bride herself started swinging first. What else can you expect at a wedding with Lebanese food, cheesecakes, Irish musicians (and ceili dancing, to my eternal delight!), a pre-wedding reception, a bride in a blue evening gown, and a candlelit ceremony up on a hill at 10 p.m.? Oh, and no wedding party, but 12 ladies-in-waiting, of which I was one, that preceded the bride holding candles and singing a capella (and who also frantically gathered flowers from obliging roadsides and arranged them hours before the wedding).

(note: Jenny Pierce married David Frederick in Portland, OR on June 25, 2005 and it was an absolutely marvelous occasion! Melissa, Jenny and I go back to junior high, though we currently live in OR, IL and Russia).

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